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BOSSrs iconic DD-3 Digital Delay has been a pedalboard staple since 1986 loved everywhere for its great sound and simple operation. With the DD-3T werve updated the classic stomp with enhanced functionality while fully retaining the originalrs sound and control layout. Itrs now possible to tap in delay tempos using the onboard switch or an external one with your choice of three beat subdivisions. And the direct output jack has been moved next to the main output providing easier connectivity for wet/dry setups.
In continuous production for over three decades` the DD-3 has been the go-to delay stomp for countless players. Based on the DD-2—the world’s first digital delay pedal from 1983—the DD-3 is revered for its warm` round delay tone and simple controls that let you dial in sounds fast. The DD-3T’s sound circuitry and controls are identical to the DD-3` delivering every drop of that classic vibe you know and love.
A key addition the DD-3T brings is tap tempo` an essential feature for creating the rhythmic delay effects at the heart of many guitar styles. In delay mode` hold the pedal switch for two seconds to toggle between bypass and tap operation. And for on-demand tap control` simply connect an external footswitch. When the DD-3T receives tap input` up to 800 ms of delay time is available` and the Mode knob sets the tap subdivision (quarter-note triplet` dotted-eighth note` or quarter note).
The DD-3T features a direct output jack like the DD-3` but it’s been moved next to the main output jack to make connections easier. Plugging a cable into the direct out converts the main out to delay only` allowing you to send wet and dry signals to different amps for wide` immersive sounds. And if your amp or switcher has a parallel effects loop` just connect a dummy plug to the direct out to mute the dry sound for effect-only blending.
The original DD-3 (and DD-2 before) included a forward-thinking Hold function` which allowed you to capture a sound up to 800 ms long` play it continuously` and jam over the top. Many years later` BOSS further developed this creative concept with the successful Loop Station products` which helped spawn the new musical style of live looping. The DD-3T includes the same Hold function as the DD-3` but it’s been renamed “Short Loop” to reflect today’s common usage.
n>SpecificationsNominal Input Level-20 dBuInput Impedance1 M ohmNominal Output Level-20 dBuOutput Impedance1 k ohmRecommended Load Impedance10 k ohms or greaterBypassBuffered bypassControlsMODE knob
TIME knob
E.LEVEL(Effect Level) knob
Pedal switchIndicatorCHECK indicator (Used for indication of check battery)ConnectorsINPUT jack: 1/4-inch phone type
OUTPUT jack: 1/4-inch phone type
DIRECT OUT jack: 1/4-inch phone type
TEMPO jack: 1/4-inch phone type
DC IN jackPower SupplyCarbon-zinc battery (9 V` 6F22) or Alkaline battery (9 V` 6LR61)
AC adaptor (PSA series: sold separately)Current Draw45 mAExpected battery life under continuous useAlkaline: Approx. 11.5 hours
Carbon: Approx. 3 hours
*These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.AccessoriesOwner's manual
Leaflet ("USING THE UNIT SAFELY`" "IMPORTANT NOTES`" and "Information")
Alkaline battery (9 V` 6LR61)Options (sold separately)AC adaptor: PSA series
Footswitch: FS-5U` FS-6` FS-7<dt class=\