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Introducing the DD-8 the most wide-ranging and feature-rich BOSS compact series delay ever. This loaded pedal delivers more of everythingmdash;more great sounds more delay time more control options and more connectivity. And it does it all in a standard BOSS pedal that slides easily into any mono or stereo setup. Eleven modes provide delay colors from basic to exotic plus a looper with unlimited overdub capability and external control support. For maximum versatility in a minimum amount of space therers no better delay stomp than the DD-8.
Equipped with a diverse selection of delays` the DD-8 packs impressive sonic range into one small pedal. Clean digital delays` vintage analog and tape types` and modulation echo are available` plus specialty delays like shimmer and reverse. There’s a new Warm type for softer echo tones` and a +RV type that blends delay and reverb together. Warp is perfect for dynamic ambient textures` while the new GLT type is great for glitchy rhythmic effects.
Everything sounds bigger and better in stereo` and the DD-8 delivers with full stereo I/O support and your choice of three output modes. The default independent mode provides linked parallel delays on the left and right channels` allowing you to maintain the true balance of stereo input sources in the effect sound. There’s also a panning mode for ping-pong delay effects` and a wide stereo mode for enhanced spatial depth.
The DD-8’s extensive real-time delay options help bring your music to life. You can tap in tempos with the onboard pedal switch` and control the Warp and GLT modes for unique expressive effects. Adding one or two footswitches unlocks more creative possibilities` like on-demand tap tempo` extended looper control` and a cool Twist effect for soaring echo sounds. Alternately` an expression pedal can be used for continuous control of level` feedback` or delay time—or all of them at once.
Having a looper on your pedalboard is a handy thing—it’s great for practice` checking sounds at gigs` and creating on-the-fly backing while performing. The DD-8’s looper mode has you covered` so you don’t have to take up precious space with a dedicated pedal. All looper functions can be controlled with the onboard switch` providing all-in-one operation. But if you prefer to work with extended controls` just connect one or two footswitches to operate the looper’s stop and clear functions externally.
The DD-8’s inputs and outputs have smart functionality` allowing you to set the pedal for any application simply by connecting cables in different ways. A variety of mono and stereo connections are supported` including discrete dry and effect outputs for wet/dry setups. It’s even possible to defeat the dry signal entirely` perfect for delay-only blending in a parallel effects loop.
• Analog—Classic analog BBD delay sound.
n• Standard—Clear digital delay.
n• Tape—Vintage tape-based delay sound.
n• Warm—Digital delay with a softer sound.
n• Reverse—Backwards delay for cool psychedelic effects and other unique tones.
n• +RV—Digital delay with reverb added.
n• Shimmer—Pitch-shifted delay for lush` shimmering textures.
n• Mod—Digital delay with modulation added on the repeats.
n• Warp—Unique delay with expressive pedal control. Holding the pedal switch increases feedback and level` allowing you to create ambient swell effects.
n• GLT—Newly developed delay mode that creates glitchy machine-gun effects when the pedal switch is pressed. Adjust the Feedback and Time knobs for a wide variety of sounds.
n• Loop—Loop recorder with overdub capability and up to 40 seconds of recording time with mono input (20 seconds with stereo input).
n>SpecificationsNominal Input Level-20 dBuInput Impedance1 M ohmNominal Output Level-20 dBuOutput Impedance1 k ohmRecommended Load Impedance10 k ohms or greaterBypassBuffered bypassControlsMODE knob
TIME knob
E.LEVEL(Effect Level) knob
Pedal switchIndicatorCHECK indicator (Used for indication of check battery)ConnectorsINPUT-A(MONO)/INPUT-B jack: 1/4-inch phone type
OUTPUT-A(MONO)/OUTPUT-B jack: 1/4-inch phone type
TEMPO/EXP jack: TRS 1/4-inch phone type
DC IN jackPower SupplyAlkaline battery (9 V` 6LR61)
AC adaptor (PSA series: sold separately)Current Draw65 mAExpected battery life under continuous useAlkaline: Approx. 5 hours
*These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.AccessoriesOwner's manual
Leaflet ("USING THE UNIT SAFELY`" "IMPORTANT NOTES`" and "Information")
Dry battery (9 V` 6LR61)Options (sold separately)AC adaptor: PSA series
Footswitch: FS-5U` FS-6` FS-7
Expression pedal: FV-500H` FV-500L` EV-30` Roland EV-5<dt class=\