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The stunning new Artisan Goodtime banjo embodies Greg Deering’s lifelong vision for the Deering Banjo Company – to create the best sounding, best playing, best looking, and best value U.S.A.-made banjo. This quest for perfection is one that Deering pursues every single day. With improved tooling and a higher than normal dose of creativity, we bid farewell to our old friend, the Classic Goodtime, and welcome the stunning aesthetic of the new Artisan Goodtime Banjos. Proudly made in America.
The Artisan Goodtime features a familiar rich dark brown stain, planetary tuning pegs, and the addition of 5th string spikes at frets 7, 9, and 10 for alternate tunings. This lightweight maple banjo not only meets but exceeds the features that customers have been asking for. The violin-grade maple rim, crafted from the same wood used in professional-level Deering models, gives the Goodtime banjo a rich, full, and round note distinction.
Lightweight enough to travel with and convenient enough to keep by your easy chair at home, the Goodtime Artisan is perfect for hours of practice. The neck is both comfortable to play and accurate to fret, making it a joy to use. Not only is this Goodtime banjo beautiful to look at, but it will also bring you hours of musical enjoyment.