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Brad Clark, one of the founders of Cole Clark guitars, never thought much of folk singers who warble protest songs on instruments made from trees that took hundreds of years to reach maturity. He disdained the notion that a quality guitar could only be made from rainforest timbers, and set out to show the world that beautiful instruments could be created from sustainable materials. While Clark has since parted ways with the company and moved on to other ventures, the mission remains the same at this Melbourne-based company, whose instruments are crafted largely from indigenous Australian timbers. 

Cole Clark’s steel string acoustic guitars are remarkable in their use of a Spanish heel or integral neck construction, which means that the neck is one piece, all the way to the sound hole. This method of construction produces a unique tone when compared to other guitars on which the neck is typically attached to the body with a dovetail join or a bolt. Cole Clark guitars also feature superior sound amplification systems including their patented natural pickup system, designed to product the most natural tone possible when amplified.

Cole Clark enthusiasts admire not only the beautiful color and tone of the woods used on Cole Clark guitars, but also the flexible feel and easy playability. The company manufactures six-string, twelve-string, and lap steel guitars, as well as ukeleles. At this time they have discontinued production of electric guitars, though the door is open for a possible re-launch in the future. Well-known users include Angus and Julia Stone, Pete Murray, Eskimo Joe, Tex Perkins, and Alex Lloyd. Even if you never thought you’d enjoy a Fat Lady on your lap, give one a go and see if Cole Clark can change your mind.

We’re betting this is one Fat Lady you’ll truly enjoy.