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The Yamaha THR10 is one of our best selling home guitar amplifiers. Now they've made them even better! With 3 models offering a range of features and solutions even for Bass and Acoustic guitarists, the new THR-II range is sure to meet most players needs!
Guitarists are familiar with the tube amp stacks that sound amazing when turned up loud on a big stage, and with combo amps that are a perfect fit for smaller venues and rehearsal. THR ignored the convention that a practice amp should simply be a smaller version of a larger amplifier, creating a new “third amp” category designed around what players need when they’re playing at home.
Virtual Circuitry Modeling - Component-level amp modeling for realistic tone & feel
15 Guitar Amps & 8 Effects - Plus bass, acoustic & flat voicing
Hi-Fi Audio Playback - So your music sounds as good as your guitar tone
Extended Stereo Technology - For a wide soundfield from a compact enclosure
Designed for your Space - Compact size and go-anywhere style
Integrated Audio Interface - For class-compliant, driver-free recording
Cubase AI/Cubasis LE - Steinberg recording software for PC/Mac/iPad
Line Outputs* - Additional connectivity for studio or stage (*THR30II Wireless only)